
The Family Farm School concept is patterned after the Spanish Escuelas Familiares Agrarias (EFA) and French Maisons Familiales Rurales (MFR) systems which are associations, primarily, of heads of families and parents, committed to the development and upliftment of people living in a rural setting through integrative learning activities and technical training, particularly directed to young people, as a response to common and shared problems. Individuals, professionals, and institutions who wish to contribute to this mission-vision could form part of these associations. The system has been existing since the 1940s and has spread to more than 40 countries, in 5 continents today.

In the Philippines, the Family Farm School was pioneered by Pampamilyang Paaralang Agrikultura, Inc. (PPAI). The first school began operation in 1988.

PPAI is a non-stock, non-profit foundation whose primary purpose is to assist groups and communities in the establishment of Family Farm Schools around the country.

PPAI is a member of the International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training (AIMFR, Association Internationale des Maisons Familiales Rurales). AIMFR is headquartered in France and has a network of 1,000 associations covering 100,000 families in 40 countries. This network fosters the exchange of experiences and transfer of expertise among all its affiliates.
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